Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Physics Of Golf Ball - 3380 Words

Fore! A Newtonian and Projectile Motion Study of the Golf Swing Physics Around Campus Tim Stoddard Physics 102 Spring 2015 Figure 1 below depicts a snap shot of the compact and physics-ridden entity known as a golf swing. Taken at my home in Olympia, WA, this picture was taken moments before the impact between my driver and the Titleist Pro V1 golf ball. The game of golf is riddled with physics concepts governing everything from the power generated in the swing, to every impact with the ball, to even the motion of the ball in the air and on the ground. Everything is governed by and can be explained by physics concepts. However, this paper will focus on the impact of the clubface and the ball (governed by Newtonian physics) and then its subsequent flight in the air as a projectile. We will look at both the first and second laws that Isaac Newton proposed as well as the resulting equations and concepts that come into effect when the ball is launched. The paper will conclude with a brief aside on the history surrounding the golf ball and its evolution, and subsequently why (in terms of physics) the golf bal l embodies a very unique and well-known physical form. To begin, consider a ball resting on the tee as can be seen in Figure 1. Before the golfer even begins his swing, we see evidence of our first physics concept. The ball is resting on the tee and is remaining there and ceasing to move because of Newton’s first law ofShow MoreRelatedThe Physics of a Golf Ball Essay1277 Words   |  6 PagesThe Physics of a Golf Ball The first written reference of golf was in 1457. Golf balls have had extraordinary changes since that time; theyve gone from leather pouches to dried gum to todays dimpled balls. These dimples help decrease the drag and increase the lift. Different forces are applied to the golf ball when struck by the club. Golf clubs have grooves to create backspin. 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