Thursday, December 26, 2019

Austin s Sustainability Pl Austin - 1164 Words

Austin is the capital city of Texas, and is known by many as the live music capital of the world. It has both national and state historical roots; its culture is centered on the arts and entertainment. It spans 297.9 square miles, as of April 1st 2014 its population was 811,458 people. There are 344,289 households with a density of 2,653 people per square mile. As illustrated in figures 1 and 2 it is both ethnically and economically diverse. Austin has several major industries including technology, healthcare, business, and entertainment. It is a popular location for businesses and individuals because there is no income tax, it has a modern and efficient transportation network, the workforce is considered highly skilled, and†¦show more content†¦To improve upon these figures, Resolution 20140410-024 was supported in 2015 with Austin’s community climate plan â€Å"Net-Zero.† Spearheaded by the Community Climate Steering Committee, â€Å"Net-Zero† lays the framework for both the local government and community to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to near zero. Up to this point all city owned buildings and facilities are 100% reliant on renewable energies such as solar and wind energy. Pending projects will increase solar energy by 149 MW and wind energy by 400 MW. Figure shows Austin’s energy generation goals achieved by 2020. Figure 4: Austin s path to Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions. iv. A Sustainable Food System Reducing CO2 emissions is an important part of a sustainable community, but changes in human behaviors are necessary to ensure these goals are met. An estimated 9.3 acres of farmland are lost every day in and around Austin. As of 2014 less than 1% of the food consumed in the region is produced locally, and of the food imported an estimated 97 thousand tons enters the landfill. This has a value of nearly $200 million. A great method for reducing food waste is composting, in the region approximately 1,837 tons, or 1.9% of the total waste, is being turned back into the soil. This is a part of Austin’s â€Å"field to fork† food system that addresses the growth, distribution, consumption, and recovery of food. Locally growing all food consumed in the region not only reduces transportationShow MoreRelatedCobit Framework21120 Words   |  85 Pagesali ty Fid uci ary Se cur ity Delivery and Support Domains People Application Systems Technology IT Processes Processes Facilities Data 16 IT GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE — COBIT FRAMEWORK IT Re so ur ce Activities s FRAMEWORK Monitoring All IT processes need to be regularly assessed over time for their quality and compliance with control requirements. This domain thus addresses management’s oversight of the organisation’s control process and independent assuranceRead MoreDells Supply Chain Strategies39734 Words   |  159 Pagespredictions about the end product demand over time [44]. 9 2.2 2.2.1 Dell’s Supply Chain Strategies General Information about Dell Dell was founded by Michael Dell in 1984, while he was still a student at the University of Texas in Austin. From its very first steps, the direct sales model was adopted: At the beginning computers were sold over the phone and they were built according to the customers specifications [28]. After a short break of using the retail channel from 1990 to 1994Read MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesglobal management accounting community. Alnoor Bhimani London School of Economics December 2005 CONTENTS ‘ FOREWORD Anthony Hopwood PREFACE Alnoor Bhimani CONTRIBUTORS 1. New measures in performance management Thomas Ahrens and Christopher S Chapman 2. Contract theory analysis of managerial accounting issues Stanley Baiman 3. Reframing management accounting practice: a diversity of perspectives Jane Baxter and Wai Fong Chua 4. Management accounting and digitization Alnoor Bhimani 5. TheRead MoreConflict Management and Emotional Intelligence63003 Words   |  253 Pageset    al.,   2002).       Researchers   have   related   personality  and   emotional  quotient,  and   have  investigated   the   relative   strength   of   association   of   emotional   quotient   and   personality   with   measures   such   as   social   80 support  (Austin  et  al.,  2004).            Past  rivalry   Conflict  is  really  all  about  history  (Iain,  2005).      When  people  are  not  neutral  to  the   matters  they  are  dealing  with  or  the  people  they  are  dealing  with,  a  history  of  bad   experiences  may  dominate  and  their  emotions  or  perceptions  may  determine  what

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