Thursday, December 26, 2019

Austin s Sustainability Pl Austin - 1164 Words

Austin is the capital city of Texas, and is known by many as the live music capital of the world. It has both national and state historical roots; its culture is centered on the arts and entertainment. It spans 297.9 square miles, as of April 1st 2014 its population was 811,458 people. There are 344,289 households with a density of 2,653 people per square mile. As illustrated in figures 1 and 2 it is both ethnically and economically diverse. Austin has several major industries including technology, healthcare, business, and entertainment. It is a popular location for businesses and individuals because there is no income tax, it has a modern and efficient transportation network, the workforce is considered highly skilled, and†¦show more content†¦To improve upon these figures, Resolution 20140410-024 was supported in 2015 with Austin’s community climate plan â€Å"Net-Zero.† Spearheaded by the Community Climate Steering Committee, â€Å"Net-Zero† lays the framework for both the local government and community to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to near zero. Up to this point all city owned buildings and facilities are 100% reliant on renewable energies such as solar and wind energy. Pending projects will increase solar energy by 149 MW and wind energy by 400 MW. Figure shows Austin’s energy generation goals achieved by 2020. Figure 4: Austin s path to Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions. iv. A Sustainable Food System Reducing CO2 emissions is an important part of a sustainable community, but changes in human behaviors are necessary to ensure these goals are met. An estimated 9.3 acres of farmland are lost every day in and around Austin. As of 2014 less than 1% of the food consumed in the region is produced locally, and of the food imported an estimated 97 thousand tons enters the landfill. This has a value of nearly $200 million. A great method for reducing food waste is composting, in the region approximately 1,837 tons, or 1.9% of the total waste, is being turned back into the soil. This is a part of Austin’s â€Å"field to fork† food system that addresses the growth, distribution, consumption, and recovery of food. Locally growing all food consumed in the region not only reduces transportationShow MoreRelatedCobit Framework21120 Words   |  85 Pagesali ty Fid uci ary Se cur ity Delivery and Support Domains People Application Systems Technology IT Processes Processes Facilities Data 16 IT GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE — COBIT FRAMEWORK IT Re so ur ce Activities s FRAMEWORK Monitoring All IT processes need to be regularly assessed over time for their quality and compliance with control requirements. This domain thus addresses management’s oversight of the organisation’s control process and independent assuranceRead MoreDells Supply Chain Strategies39734 Words   |  159 Pagespredictions about the end product demand over time [44]. 9 2.2 2.2.1 Dell’s Supply Chain Strategies General Information about Dell Dell was founded by Michael Dell in 1984, while he was still a student at the University of Texas in Austin. From its very first steps, the direct sales model was adopted: At the beginning computers were sold over the phone and they were built according to the customers specifications [28]. After a short break of using the retail channel from 1990 to 1994Read MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesglobal management accounting community. Alnoor Bhimani London School of Economics December 2005 CONTENTS ‘ FOREWORD Anthony Hopwood PREFACE Alnoor Bhimani CONTRIBUTORS 1. New measures in performance management Thomas Ahrens and Christopher S Chapman 2. Contract theory analysis of managerial accounting issues Stanley Baiman 3. Reframing management accounting practice: a diversity of perspectives Jane Baxter and Wai Fong Chua 4. Management accounting and digitization Alnoor Bhimani 5. TheRead MoreConflict Management and Emotional Intelligence63003 Words   |  253 Pageset    al.,   2002).       Researchers   have   related   personality  and   emotional  quotient,  and   have  investigated   the   relative   strength   of   association   of   emotional   quotient   and   personality   with   measures   such   as   social   80 support  (Austin  et  al.,  2004).            Past  rivalry   Conflict  is  really  all  about  history  (Iain,  2005).      When  people  are  not  neutral  to  the   matters  they  are  dealing  with  or  the  people  they  are  dealing  with,  a  history  of  bad   experiences  may  dominate  and  their  emotions  or  perceptions  may  determine  what

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Physics Of Golf Ball - 3380 Words

Fore! A Newtonian and Projectile Motion Study of the Golf Swing Physics Around Campus Tim Stoddard Physics 102 Spring 2015 Figure 1 below depicts a snap shot of the compact and physics-ridden entity known as a golf swing. Taken at my home in Olympia, WA, this picture was taken moments before the impact between my driver and the Titleist Pro V1 golf ball. The game of golf is riddled with physics concepts governing everything from the power generated in the swing, to every impact with the ball, to even the motion of the ball in the air and on the ground. Everything is governed by and can be explained by physics concepts. However, this paper will focus on the impact of the clubface and the ball (governed by Newtonian physics) and then its subsequent flight in the air as a projectile. We will look at both the first and second laws that Isaac Newton proposed as well as the resulting equations and concepts that come into effect when the ball is launched. The paper will conclude with a brief aside on the history surrounding the golf ball and its evolution, and subsequently why (in terms of physics) the golf bal l embodies a very unique and well-known physical form. To begin, consider a ball resting on the tee as can be seen in Figure 1. Before the golfer even begins his swing, we see evidence of our first physics concept. The ball is resting on the tee and is remaining there and ceasing to move because of Newton’s first law ofShow MoreRelatedThe Physics of a Golf Ball Essay1277 Words   |  6 PagesThe Physics of a Golf Ball The first written reference of golf was in 1457. Golf balls have had extraordinary changes since that time; theyve gone from leather pouches to dried gum to todays dimpled balls. These dimples help decrease the drag and increase the lift. Different forces are applied to the golf ball when struck by the club. Golf clubs have grooves to create backspin. And then there are different variables that affect how a golf ball will travel, these include: lie angle andRead MorePhysics Roles in Golf634 Words   |  3 PagesPhysics is in everything around us. It is in us driving a car, walking down the street, and pushing a child on a swing. Physics is also in every sport you have ever played, or watched someone play. It is involved in a baseball player swinging his bat, or a swimmer cutting through the water. It is also in golf. In this paper I will discuss three different ways that physics plays a role in the game of golf. The first is the motion of hitting the ball, or the swing, the sec ond is the spin of the ballRead MoreNewton On The Tee : A Good Walk Through The Science Of Golf Essay1273 Words   |  6 PagesThrough the Science of Golf In â€Å"Newton on the Tee†, John Zumerchik describes the â€Å"endless details that make golf such a tantalizing pursuit† in three main parts called; â€Å"The Physics of a Sweet Swing†, â€Å"Mind Over Muscle†, and â€Å"Getting the Ball from Here to There† (Zumerchik). The first section covers timing and positioning of a swing, the second discusses the movement and speed, and finally, the third discusses launch angles, spin, lift, and effects of gravity upon the ball. However, as the titleRead More Physics in Sports Essay1462 Words   |  6 PagesPhysics in Sports nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When many people think of sports, the topic of physics doesnt always come to mind. They usually dont think about connecting athletics with academics. In reality math, science, and especially physics, tie into every aspect of sports. Sports are a commonality that brings nations together, Soccer, known as football to most of the world, is said to an unspoken language, which unties people from different lands through a passion to play a game. AthleticsRead MorePhysics of Basketball640 Words   |  3 PagesPhysics takes part in our everyday lives without us even recognizing it. In simple every day functions like when we walk, how our vehicles function properly, and even how we play sports. We go on each day with no recognition of physics until it is pointed out to us. The concept of physics is the study of fundamental structures and interactions in the physical universe. We learn physics to get a better understanding of the universe and the objects in it (Ostdie k). Now, that I have given you a briefRead MoreArchimedes Principle1427 Words   |  6 Pagesdensities and use the principle to determine the density of a golf ball. The weight of rubber stopper and the wood cube were measured in the air by using the force sensor. When the objects were submerged in the water, the apparent weight of the objects was measure with the force sensor and the volume of the displaced water were measure with a graduated cylinder. These same procedure was used to obtain weight and apparent weight of the golf ball. The weight of the displaced water when the rubber stopperRead More Physics of the Golf Drive Essay1752 Words   |  8 PagesThis paper examines the physics involved in driving a golf ball off the tee. The objective of a drive is to achieve the greatest distance while leaving the golf ball in the middle of the fairway. Several factors will be considered in achieving the longest, and most accurate drive. The factors include calculating the veloci ty of the golf ball after the club and ball collide, the mass of the club head, launch angle, the shape of the club face, and finding the optimal golf ball. Intuition tellsRead More Physics of Golf Essay3710 Words   |  15 PagesMany golf equipment companies are constantly trying to improve the different â€Å"tools† used during the game. And with the incredible rate of technology, golf equipment is constantly being taken to higher and higher levels. In fact, technology now allows golf equipment so precise and accurate, that many people believe it requires less skill to be a really exceptional golfer. As technology and the study of physics progresses, only newer and better equipment will be produced. This is why a lineRead MoreThe Physics of Golf Essay3575 Words   |  15 PagesThe Physics of Golf As anyone who has played a round of golf will attest to, the sport is based around many fundamental principals of physics. These basic laws are involved with every aspect of the game from how a player swings the club to how the ball moves through the air on its way toward the pin. It is the challenge that physics presents to the golfer that has allowed the game, and equipment used, to develop so drastically over the past one hundred years. The first golf balls used were calledRead MorePhysics Of Kicking A Soccer Ball1353 Words   |  6 Pages The Physics of Kicking a Soccer Ball Alexander Trifu Physics 1000 Professor Terry Arnio Friday, February 19, 2016 Introduction Soccer is the most prominent game on the planet. Soccer players all work hard to stay as fit as possible and constantly train to enhance their skill. A large portion of players don t consider the scientific concept of this amazing sport and the soccer ball itself. I inquired about the material science of soccer and found some exceptionally fascinating

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Birthmark Essay Example For Students

Birthmark Essay In The Birthmark, Hawthorne described a young scientist who killed his own wife by pursuing perfect future Hawthorne, 220 while trying to remove a birthmark on his wife?s face. His name was Aylmer. He was a good scientist according to any standard. He was smart, diligent, and an eminent proficient Hawthorne, 203 in natural science. Hawthorne was not against science; he was against perfect science, against the people who wanted a perfect science. Aylmer was so devoted to science that his marriage with Georgiana, his wife, was intertwined with his love of science. Hawthorne, 203 A man loved science even more than his love of his own wife, no wonder he would sacrifice her life just for a perfect look on her face. Hawthorne was telling a truth, that a man has to be a good human first before he can be a good scientist. In the story, Hawthorne gradually set out the idea that Nature is equal to everyone; there is no perfection in the nature. As he said, Nature, in one shape or another, stamps ineffaceably on all her productions. Hawthorne, 205 Georgiana was a pretty lady; Nature has to bear a birthmark on her face in order to keep the balance, any attempt to remove it should and would result in disaster ? that leaded us to another conclusion ? Nature can not be changed or altered, or a punishment will come in someday. Interestingly, Hawthorne?s idea about dream is very scientific, Truth often finds its way to the mind close muffled in robes of sleep, and then speaks with uncompromising directness of matters in regard to which we practice an unconscious self-deception during our waking moments. Hawthorne, 207 This disclosed that Hawthorne himself was a good philosopher and scientist, which gave more credentials to this article. Sometimes, people concentrate too much on what science can do and how important science is in our lives. They developed a false trust in science. Aylmer thought he was competent to remove the birthmark, I feel myself fully competent to render this dear cheek as faultless as its fellow; and the, most beloved, what will be my triumph when I shall have corrected what Nature left imperfect in her fairest work! Hawthorne, 207 Also, Aylmer appeared to believe that, by the plainest scientific logic, it was altogether within the limits of possibility to discover this long-sought medium. Hawthorne, 211 But science can never solve all the problems, nor can human develop such a science.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Torts Case of Remoteness Essay Example

Torts Case of Remoteness Paper Overseas Tankship (U. K. ) Limited v. The Miller Steamship Co. Pty. Limited and another (Wagon Mound No 2), Judicial Committee of the Privy Council on appeal from the Supreme Court of New South Wales, 1966 There are extracts from this case at p. 80 of Weinrib and then a summary of the result of this case at p 183. The case has some important passages beyond what appear in the p. 80 extract. Please add the following to your reading: LORD REID, LORD MORRIS OF BORTH-Y-GEST, LORD PEARCE, LORD WILBERFORCE, LORD PEARSON [Delivered by LORD REID] This is an appeal from a judgment of Walsh J. ated 10th October 1963 in the Supreme Court of New South V/ales in commercial cases by which he awarded to the respondents sums of ? 80,000 and ? 1,000 in respect of damage from fire sustained by their vessels . Corrimal and Audrey D on 1st November 1951. These vessels were then at Sheerlegs Wharf, Morts Bay, in Sydney Harbour undergoing repairs. The appellant was charterer by demise of a vessel. the Wa gon Mound, which in the early hours of 30th October 1951 had been taking in bunkering oil from Caltex Wharf not far from Sheerlegs Wharf. By reason of carelessness of the Wagon Mound engineers a large quantity of this oil overflowed from the Wagon Mound on to the surface of the water. Some hours later much of the oil had drifted to and accumulated round Sheerlegs Wharf and the respondents vessels. About 2 p. m. on 1st November this oil was set alight: the fire spread rapidly and caused extensive damage to the Wharf and to the respondents vessels, An action was raised against the present appellant by the owners of Sheerlegs Wharf on the ground of negligence. On appeal to the Board it was held that the plaintiffs were not entitled to recover on the ground that it was not foreseeable that such oil on the surface of the water could be set alight (Overseas Tankship (U. K. ) Ltd. v. Morts Dock and Engineering Co. [1961] A. C. 388). Their Lordships will refer to this case as the Wagon Mound No. I. †¦ Walsh J. had found in their favour in nuisance but against them [the plaintiff shipowners] in negligence. †¦Their Lordships are indebted to that learned judge for the full and careful survey of the evidence which is set out in his judgment ([1963] 1 Lloyds Rep. 02). Few of his findings of fact have been attacked, and their Lordships do not find it necessary to set out or deal with the evidence at any length. But it is desirable to give some explanation of how the fire started before setting out the learned judges findings. In the course of repairing the respondents vessels the Morts Dock Co. , the owners of Sheerlegs Wharf, were carrying out oxy-acetylene welding and cutting. This work was apt to cause pieces or drops of hot metal to fly off and fall in the sea. We will write a custom essay sample on Torts Case of Remoteness specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Torts Case of Remoteness specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Torts Case of Remoteness specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So when their manager arrived on the morning of 30th October and saw the thick scum of oil round the Wharf he was apprehensive of fire danger and he stopped the work while he took advice. He consulted the manager of Caltex Wharf and after some further consultation he was assured that he was safe to proceed: so he did so, and the repair work was carried on normally until the fire broke out on 1st November. Oil of this character with a flash point of 170op. is extremely difficult to ignite in the open. But we now know that that is not impossible. There is no certainty about how this oil was set alight, but the most probable explanation, accepted by Walsh J. , is that there was floating in the oil-covered water some object supporting a piece of inflammable material, and that a hot piece of metal fell on it†¢ when it burned for a sufficient time to ignite the surrounding oil. The findings of the learned trial judge [i. e. in this case – Wagon Mound No 2] are as follows:- (l) Reasonable people in the position of the officers of the Wagon Mound would regard furnace oil as very difficult to ignite upon water. 2) Their personal experience would probably have been that this had very rarely happened. (3) If they had given attention to the risk of fire from the spillage, they would have regarded it as a possibility, but one which could become an actuality only in very exceptional circumstances. (4) They would have considered the chances of the required exceptional circumstances happening whilst the oil remained spread on the harbour waters, as being remote. (5) I find that the occurrence of damage to the plaintiffs property as a result of the spillage, was not reasonably foreseeable by those for whose acts the defendant would be responsible. 6) I find that the spillage of oil was brought about by the careless conduct of persons for whose acts the defendant would be responsible. (7) I find that the spillage of oil was a cause of damage to the property of each of the plaintiffs. (8) Having regard to those findings, and because of finding (5), I hold that the claim of each of the plaintiffs, framed in negligence, fails. †¦. Of the large number of cases cited in argument †¦based purely on negligence, †¦[t]heir Lordships do not intend to examine these cases in detail. It has now been established by the Wagon Mound No. 1 and by Hughes v. Lord Advocate [1963] A. C. 837 that in such cases damages can only be recovered if the injury complained of was not only caused by the alleged negligence but was also an injury of a class or character foreseeable as a possible result of it. †¦In their Lordships judgment the cases point strongly to there being no difference as to the measure of damages between nuisance and negligence but they are not conclusive. So it is desirable to consider the question of principle. NOTE from CS: The reason for this comparison is that the case was also argued in nuisance and the trial judge found there to be liability in nuisance on the basis that nuisance requires only the natural/direct consequence test whereas Wagon Mound No 1 had changed the law of negligence to require the reasonable foreseeability test. So the House of Lords in Wagon Mound No 2 were looking at both the application of the reasonable foreseeability test for negligence to the negligence claim in Wagon Mound 2 and at whether that same test should be the test for remoteness of damage in nuisance. We are not concerned with the nuisance law aspects, but only with the reasoning that discusses what reasonable foreseeability means in general and in particular in the negligence context. ] †¦Comparing nuisance with negligence the main argument for the respondent was that in negligence foreseeability is an essential element in determining liability and therefore it is logical that foreseeability should also be an essential element in determining the amount of damages: but negligence is not an essential element in determining liability for nuisance and therefore it is illogical to bring in foreseeability when determining the amount of damages. It is quite true that negligence is not an essential element in nuisance. Nuisance is a term used to cover a wide variety of tortious acts or omissions and in many negligence in the narrow sense is not essential. An occupier may incur liability for the emission of noxious fumes or noise although he has used the utmost care in building and using his premises. The amount of fumes or noise which he can lawfully emit is a question of degree and he or his advisers may have miscalculated what can be justified. Or he ay deliberately obstruct the highway adjoining his premises to a greater degree than is permissible hoping that no one will object. On the other hand the emission of fumes or noise or the obstruction of the adjoining highway may often be the result of pure negligence on his part: there are many cases (e. g. , Dollman v. Hillman [1941] 1. All E. R. 355) where precisely the same facts will establish liability both in nuisance and in negligence. And although negligence may not be necessary, fault of some kind is almost always necessary and fault generally involves foreseeability, e. . , in cases like Sedleigh-Denfield v. OCallaghan [1940] A. C. 880 the fault is in failing to abate a nuisance of the existence of which the defender is or ought to be aware as likely to cause damage to his neighbour. †¦ [Note from CS: in this paragraph, the Lords find that reasonable foreseeability is also the remoteness test in nuisance. It is retained in this edit so that you can follow the flow of the case, but, again, you are not responsible for nuisance law for the exam problem. It could not be right to discriminate between different cases of nuisance so as to make foreseeability a necessary element in determining damages in those cases where it is a necessary element in determining liability, but not in others. So the choice is between it being a necessary element in all cases of nuisance or in none. In their Lordships judgment the similarities between nuisance and ot her forms of tort to which the Wagon Mound No. 1 applies far outweigh any differences, and they must therefore hold that the judgment appealed from is wrong on this branch of the case. It is not sufficient that the injury suffered by the respondents vessels was the direct result of the nuisance if that injury was in the relevant sense unforeseeable. It is now necessary to turn to the respondents submission that the trial Judge was wrong in holding that damage from fire was not reasonably foreseeable. In Wagon Mound No. 1 the finding on which the Board proceeded was that of the trial Judge: the defendant did not know and could not reasonably be expected to have known that [the oil] was capable of being set afire when spread on water. In the present case the evidence led was substantially different from the evidence led in Wagon Mound No. 1 and the findings of Walsh J. are significantly different. That is not due to there having been any failure by the plaintiffs in Wagon Mound No. 1 in preparing and presenting their case. The plaintiffs there were no doubt embarrassed by a difficulty which does not affect the present plaintiffs. The outbreak of the fire was consequent on the act of the manager of the plaintiffs in Wagon Mound No. 1 in resuming oxy-acetylene welding and cutting while the wharf was surrounded by this oil. So if the plaintiffs in the former case had set out to prove that it was foreseeable by the engineers of the Wagon Mound that this oil could be set alight, they might have had difficulty in parrying the reply that this must also have been foreseeable by their manager. Then there would have been contributory negligence and at that time contributory negligence was a complete defence in New South Wales. The crucial finding of Walsh J. in this case is in finding 5: that the damage was not reasonably foreseeable by those for whose acts the defendant would be responsible. That is not a primary finding of fact but an inference from the other findings, †¦The vital parts of the findings of fact which have already been set out in full are (1) that the officers of the Wagon Mound would regard furnace oil as very difficult to ignite upon water - not that they would regard this as impossible: (2) that their experience would probably have been that this had very rarely happened -not that they would never have heard of a case where it had happened, and (3) that they would have regarded it as a possibility, but one which could become an actuality only in very exceptional circumstances - not, as in Wagon Mound No. , that they could not reasonably be expected to have known that this oil was capable of being set afire when spread on water. The question which must now be determined is whether these differences between the findings in the two cases do or do not lead to different results in law. In Wagon Mound No. 1 the Board were not concerned with degrees of f oreseeability because the finding was that the fire was not foreseeable at all. So Lord Simonds had no cause to amplify the statement that the essential factor in determining liability is whether the damage is of such a kind as the reasonable man should have foreseen (at p. 426). But here the findings show that some risk of fire would have been present to the mind of a reasonable man in the shoes of the ships chief engineer. So the first question must be what is the precise meaning to be attached in this context to the words foreseeable and reasonably foreseeable. [Note from CS: This is where Weinrib’s extract starts at p 80 in his book. Before Bolton v. Stone [1951] A. C. 850 the cases had fallen into two classes: (1) those where, before the event, the risk of its happening would have been regarded as unreal either because the event would have been thought to be physically impossible or because the possibility of its happening would have been regarded as so fantastic or farfetched that no reasonable man would have paid any attention to it -a mere possibi lity which would never occur to the mind of a reasonable man (per Lord Dunedin in Fardon v. Harcourt-Rivington [1932] 146 L. T. 391) or (2) those where there was a real and substantial risk or chance that something like the event which happens might occur, and then the reasonable man would have taken the steps necessary to eliminate the risk. Bolton v. Stone posed a new problem. There a member of a visiting team drove a cricket ball out of the ground onto an unfrequented adjacent public road and it struck and severely injured a lady who happened to be standing in the road. That it might happen that a ball would be driven on to this road could not have been said to be a fantastic or far-fetched possibility: according to the evidence it had happened about six times in 28 years. And it could not have been said to be a far-fetched or fantastic possibility that such a ball would strike someone in the road: people did pass along the road from time to time. So it could not have been said that, on any ordinary meaning of the words, the fact that a ball might strike a person in the road was not foreseeable or reasonably foreseeable it was plainly foreseeable. But the chance of its happening in the foreseeable future was infinitesimal. A mathematician given the data could have worked out that it was only likely to happen once in so many thousand years. The House of Lords held that the risk was so small that in the circumstances a reasonable man would have been justified in disregarding it and taking no steps to eliminate it. But it does not follow that, no matter what the circumstances may be, it is justifiable to neglect a risk of such a small magnitude. A reasonable man would only neglect such a risk if he had some valid reason for doing so: e. g. that it would involve considerable expense to eliminate the risk, He would weigh the risk against the difficulty of eliminating it. If the activity which caused the injury to Miss Stone had been an unlawful activity there can be little doubt but that Bolton v. Stone would have been decided differently. In their Lordships judgment Bolton v. Stone did not alter the general principle that a person must be regarded as negligent if he does not take steps to eliminate a risk which he knows or ought to know is a real risk and not a mere possibility which would never influence the mind of a reasonable man. What that decision did was to recognise and give effect to the qualification that it is justifiable not to take steps to eliminate a real risk if it is small and if the circumstances are such that a reasonable man, careful of the safety of his neighbour, would think it right to neglect it. In the present case there was no justification whatever for discharging the oil into Sydney Harbour. Not only was it an offence to do so but it involved considerable loss financially. If the ships engineer had thought about the matter there could have been no question of balancing the advantages and disadvantages. From every point of view it was both his duty and his interest to stop the discharge immediately. It follows that in their Lordships view the only question is whether a reasonable man having the knowledge and experience to be expected of the chief engineer of the Wagon Mound would have known that there was a real risk of the oil on the water catching fire in some way: if it did, serious damage to ships or other property was not only foreseeable but very likely. Their Lordships do not dissent from the view of the trial Judge that the possibilities of damage must be significant enough in a practical sense to require a reasonable man to guard against them but they think that he may have misdirected himself in saying there does seem to be a real practical difficulty, assuming that some risk of fire damage was foreseeable, but not a high one, in making a factual judgment as to whether this risk was sufficient to attract liability if damage should occur. In this difficult chapter of the law decisions are not infrequently taken to apply to circumstances far removed from the facts which gave rise to them and it would seem that here too much reliance has been placed on some observations in Bolton v. Stone and similar observations in other cases. In their Lordships view a properly qualified and alert chief engineer would have realised there was a real risk here and they do not understand Walsh J. to deny that. But he appears to have held that if a real risk can properly be described as remote it must then be held to be not reasonably foreseeable. That is a possible interpretation of some of the authorities. But this is still an open question and on principle their Lordships cannot accept this view. If a real risk is one which†¢ would occur to the mind of a reasonable man in the position of the defendants servant and which he would not brush aside as far-fetched and if the criterion is to be what that reasonable man would have done in the circumstances, then surely he would not neglect such a risk if action to eliminate it presented no difficulty, involved no disadvantage, and required no expense. In the present case the evidence shows that the discharge of so much oil on to the water must have taken a considerable time, and a vigilant ships engineer would have noticed the discharge at an early stage. The findings show that he ought to have known that it is possible to ignite this kind of oil on water. and that the ships engineer probably ought to have known that this had in fact happened before. The most that can be said to justify inaction is that he would have known that this could only happen in very exceptional circumstances. But that does not mean that a reasonable man would dismiss such a risk from his mind and do nothing when it was so easy to prevent it. If it is clear that the reasonable man would have realised or foreseen and prevented the risk then it must follow that the appellants are liable in damages. The learned Judge found this a difficult case: he says that this matter is one upon which different minds would come to different conclusions. Taking a rather different view of the law from that of the learned Judge, their Lordships must hold that the respondents are entitled to succeed on this issue. †¦

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Letter Z Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet

The Letter Z Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet The Letter Z Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet The Letter Z Will Be Removed from the English Alphabet By Guest Author Surprising as it sounds, it looks like the English alphabet will be losing one of its letters on June 1st. The announcement came from the English Language Central Commission (ELCC). Here is a quote from the press release: After carefully considering and debating the matter for over two years, the ELCC came to the conclusion that the letter Z should be removed from the English alphabet. The main objective of this change is to simplify the phonetic aspect of the language, and to unify the American and British spellings. What will happen to the words that have the letter z in them? It depends on the word. According to the ELCC, words that started with a z will now start with an x. Examples include: zero becomes xero zoo becomes xoo zone becomes xone zodiac becomes xodiac Words that featured a z with the s sound, on the other hand, will now be officially written with the s (i.e., unifying the American and British spelling). Examples include: visualize becomes visualise analyze becomes analyse materialize becomes materialise What do you think about this change? Will it really simplify the English language, or will it make things more confusing? This post is an April fools prank. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives Abstract Nouns from AdjectivesPassed vs Past

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Argumentative Essay Topics

Argumentative Essay Topics Argumentative Essay Topics Argumentative Essay Topics Writing an argumentative essay refers to the process of reasoning by advancing arguments. However, it doesn't mean that you should write an essay with raises voices and heats tempers. On no account do this! Argumentative essay writing is the product of careful research and thoughtful consideration of all aspects that one can acquire about the subject. The goal of argumentative essay writing is to teach you how to think objectively and logically. Argumentative essay writing demands the writer to examine the arguments by checking them with the strength of the reasons which hold such arguments. Argumentative essay writing should present a dialog within the essay itself. The writer should examine several sides of the subject and demonstrate why the chosen side is the most problematic, interesting, or logically correct.   Writing an argumentative essay is similar to persuasive essay writing. Argumentative persuasive essay topics need to be aimed at persuading the reader to accept writer's position on the subject. It is rather a difficult task, but you must achieve it. The second task is to explain why you've adhered to that position. The secondary goal recognizes the fact that it is a difficult objective to persuade, but that at least you can explain your position. In short, it is a dialog between you and the readers. In this dialog, you should introduce the subject, make a claim, discuss necessary background information, and then present the evidence for the position. Make an outline to organize your ideas and essay writing better. Introduction paragraph should present a brief explanation of the question or problem, justifying its importance. It should also contain thesis statement of the position you defend. Body paragraphs present evidence for your opinion. Include as much information as will be needed to support your point of view. Present the opposite points of view and the evidence or reasoning behind the other perspectives. You shouldn't avoid other points of view, their presence helps you to gain understanding from the readers. Using evidence and reasoning you will explain why the opposition's perspective is not valid. Conclusion restates original position and thesis statement. While writing an essay, you should understand the difference between argument and point of view. Yes, it is true that all claims start out as opinions. At first sight, it may seem that argumentative essay is simply asking you to write down your opinion. The most considerable difference is that argument should present a claim supported by reasoning and evidence which persuades your reader that the thesis of your essay writing is a valid one.   An opinion is a statement that is not supported by logic or evidence. Custom Argumentative Essay Cannot decide on the topic for your argumentative essay?   Not a problem!  is available 24/7 to assist you with argumentative essay writing!   It is so easy to be our clients because our prices are reasonable, our writers are experienced, and we are never late with delivery!   We provide you with custom written papers only!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Power And Culture Within Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Power And Culture Within Organisations - Essay Example According to Edgar Schein (1985), organizational culture is that pattern of basic assumptions that are shared, and that a group learns in its endeavour to solve problems of internal integration and external adaptation. Further, these shared assumptions should have well worked in the past and are therefore qualify to be taught to the organization’s new members as a right way to think, perceive and feel with respect to these problems. These values and norms are the ones that control the way people act and interact with one another and with people outside the organization including other stakeholders. In the actual sense, an organization’s culture is actually its personality according to McNamara (2000). In this sense, different organizations have different organizational cultures more like people have different personalities. An organization may have a weak or strong culture generally (Parker, 2000). A strong culture exists where members of staff respond to stimulus as a result of their respect and appreciation for organizational values. In such a case, people tend to act in a given way since they believe that is the right way to act. A weak culture on the other hand is in place when staff members have little commitment to the organization’s values and therefore must be controlled through the application of bureaucracy and/or extensive procedures. According to Kennedy and Deal (1982), organizational culture is the way things are â€Å"here† done. In one of their research, the two measured organizations using two parameters – risk or uncertainty and feedback or response. According to the findings of this study, Kennedy and Deal noted that organizations may be distinctly classified into four with respected to culture. The four cultures include the process culture, the bet your company culture, the play hard/work hard culture, and the tough-guy macho culture. The process

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The influence of Basel III in the French banking sector Thesis

The influence of Basel III in the French banking sector - Thesis Example The bank is required to maintain a capital (Tier 1 and 2) that is equal to a minimum of 8% of â€Å"risk weighted assets†. For example, a bank with a â€Å"risk- weighted assets† worth $100 million will have to maintain a minimum capital of $ 8 million. Basel II is a group of banking regulations put together by Basel Committee to see that banks are supervised. These policies have international coverage and therefore regulate banking and finance internationally. It integrates the capital standards of Basel with the regulations at national level. This is made possible through setting the minimum required capital of institutions of finance with the goal of ensuring liquidity of the institutions. Basel II is the 2nd bank supervision recommendations of the Basel Committee. Contrary to the Basel I, which had focus on risk associated with credits, Basel II focuses on the capital that the financial institutions have to put aside. The main aim of setting aside this capital is to see to it that risk associated with lending and investing practices are reduced2. These are measures in comprehensive form designed by the Basel Committee to improve regulation, risk management and supervision within the financial and banking sector. The first version (Basel III) was published in the late period of 2009 giving a period of 3 years to the banks to meet all the requirements stated. So as to see that credit crisis is addressed, banks are directed to â€Å"maintain proper leverage ratios† and meet specified capital requirements. The Basel III is a product of Basel I and Basel II with the aim of improving the ability of banking sectors in dealing with economic and financial stress. Other goals of Basil III are to foster the transparency in banks and improve the level of risk management. Basil III focus is to develop the resilience level of individual banks so as to reduce the negative impacts of risks3. The year 2005 was marked by the introduction of Basel II with the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Is Money Happiness Essay Example for Free

Is Money Happiness Essay Benjamin Franklin, a well known Founding Father of the United States among other avenues of pursuit once said, â€Å"Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants. † This excerpt founds the question of whether or not money can buy happiness; and can it really? In no way can monetary value equate to true serenity. To closely examine the question in subject, the definition of money and its origin must be examined in coherence with what happiness really is. To compare the two contrary parties, the investigation of state facts of Swaziland, a â€Å"poor† country, and The United States, a â€Å"wealthy† country will be explored. A final analysis and comparison will close the article. A monetary value simply cannot purchase a state of being; that is money cannot buy happiness. II. Money and Happiness A. What is money? 1. Money is simply a unit of exchange in which the transfer of goods and services is exchanged for. Money is synonymous with currency and cash. (Wikipedia: Money) 2. Money allows for the creation of set values of goods and services, and facilitates those trades between producer and worker and consumer and recipient. 3. Money can be recognized as any form of currency, or a medium of exchange a. Shells b. Bones and fossils c. Tokens d. Special rocks and minerals B. What is happiness? 1. Happiness is defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary as â€Å"a state of well-being and contentment or a pleasurable or satisfying experience. (Merriam Webster Dictionary) C. A Time Before Money. Generally, historians agree that money was created at approximately 100,000 B.C. (Wikipedia: History of Money) 2. Before that time, a system of bartering was the only way goods or services could be exchanged. a. â€Å"Barter is a type of trade that doesnt use any medium of exchange, in which goods or services are exchanged for other goods and/or services. † (Wikipedia: Barter) b. For example, if a farmer needed an iron plow for his field, he would have to find a blacksmith that needed apples who then in turn could fabricate a plow for the farmer. In other words, they had to have a coincidence of wants. The transition period between mainstream bartering and a monetary system seems to have emerged from Swaziland at approximately 100,000 B. C. a. This emergence of money was in the simple form of red ochre i. Red ochre are pigments made from naturally tinted clay. Chemically, it is hydrated iron oxide. (Answers: Red Ochre) C. The Symbolic Meaning of Money 1. There are many variants of the true symbolism of money a. One theory directly refers to coin money i. The shape of coin money is generally round. This shape represents the eternal continuation of currency. This round shape also represents the world; again, in it’s ever continuing and developing cycle iii. Together, these ideals represent the ongoing continuation of money throughout the world. b. Another theory applies to paper money i. The square shape that paper money ideally holds is representative of a solid foundation, trust, and solidness. ii. Often times, faces of strong leaders or portraits of influential people will be printed in the currency. These leaders often created the foundation (pioneering or renewed) of any given state, and thus are represented by and represent the country.

Friday, November 15, 2019

College Admissions Essay: The Turning Point -- College Admissions Essa

The Turning Point Probably the most important turning point in my life happened in 1992. At this time, I was eight years old and living in Williamsport Pennsylvania. My dad had a well-paying job at Anchor Darling Valve Company, I was attending a parochial school and I thought life was just great. At the time we lived in a large four-story house with a separate three-story garage and an acre of forest for a backyard. I had a ten-speed bicycle and I would often go bicycling with my friends at the nearby cemetery. No-one ever objected to this, in fact people would often have picnics at the top of this hill at the cemetery. I guess the only things I ever complained about were the constant music lessons and practice sessions my parents subjected me to. Life was great until my dad came home one day with bad news. As it turned out, his well-paying company was downsizing and they had to let him go. Well, I didn't think much of it at the time. "So he'd get a new job," I thought. Well anyway, he took out his resume and started mailing away. Oh well, life goes on. Well soon enough companies began to take interest in him and he decided to join a company called Cellular One (which would later be bought by ATT and become ATT Wireless Services). So what was the catch? Well, Cellular One's offices are based in Pittsburgh which is not exactly an easy commute from Williamsport. "Carlos, we will have to move, but it won't happen for a while. We'll make sure you finish the school year and besides, I still have to look for a job in Pittsburgh too," my mom told me. Somehow, although I knew my parents had many friends in Williamsport,... ...ttsburgh than I would have ever been able to in Williamsport. I learned how to ski and rock climb, things I became good at and still do today. I also suddenly had a deep appreciation for music. This was something I had never had, now all of a sudden, I actually practiced when I was supposed to (this probably had something to do with the new music teachers). I also took up karate again and eventually earned my black belt. I realized that Williamsport was actually a dull place to live in and the only things I really missed were my friends and the house. Before I knew it, we had lived in Pittsburgh for six years and although it may not be the best place to live in, it has opened up a whole world of opportunities to me. That was something I may never have gotten if I had stayed in Williamsport or if I had continued to move around.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Advertising and Sales Promotions In The Internet Essay

Marketing has been one of the most significant gainers from the Internet revolution. Internet has been applied by marketers both as a medium as well as a product. Marketing has deployed it for communication of information, distribution of some of its products and for receiving payments from the customers. Internet based marketing plays a vital role in the exchange process. Internet marketing term became popular when computers started getting used in marketing extensively. Earlier, computers were used more for storing, processing and reporting of various marketing related information. But, with the entry of Internet the online data handling possibilities have virtually exploded the use of computer. This application has multiplied the use of computers faster among communities. Internet marketing profitably reinforces the concepts of marketing with the power of internet. It strengthens the existing delivery of marketing outputs and also opens newer avenues of marketing which were not possible to achieve before the arrival of internet. A marketer today can keep track of millions of customers simultaneously, segment them online, offer customized products to individual customers, fix different prices, provide varying contents and styles of information and deliver the products through appropriate modes of distribution to each of these customers. The details of such transactions and the characteristics of each of these customers can be stored for their dynamic utilization in future marketing opportunities with the customers. Estee Lauder’s anti ageing product ‘Advanced Night Repair Concentrate’   is able to make inroads in the customers mind. Internet will function as the medium for promoting the product.   Advertising and Sales Promotions: Like products and prices, customization of advertising and promotion are very much possible in internet marketing. Besides customization, the customer is contacted when he is giving, full attention to the computer screen. In fact, when a customer views any site he has done so after deliberate and conscious effort and choice. This increases his commitment to the message that he is viewing on the internet. Advertising generates a hierarchy of impacts like creation of awareness, interest, desire and action on the consumer. Different media are found to be better suited for certain kinds of impacts out of this hierarchy. Internet has been found to be amenable to finer tuning for most of these impacts. As a result, it is possible to better transport the customer from one level of impact to the next higher one and do so more quickly. The combination of this factor with the feature of individualization makes the output very powerful one. Besides this, the measurement of each of these impacts are also possible more easily and online. The promotions on internet can also be customized in a similar way. The internet marketing model suggests that commerce follows content and community. Since the internet phenomenon has occurred like an explosion there had been quite a rush to build up communities in the competitive environment. In this rush, many of the marketers tried to buy prospective customers into their communities net by offering a variety of incentives. This has caused internet marketing effort to be seen as overloaded with freebies in the form of consumer promotions. Personal Selling: The advantage of mass personal selling is made possible through internet for both customers and the marketers. Anti aging is a consumer product so Estee Lauders can get the maximum benefit by penetrating in this stream. The customers can identify the optimum provider for his unique sets of needs. Customer can also arrange for updating himself in the precise area of his interest although from the most extensive sources of information possible. The marketer can also store the historical data of individual persons and their behavior. These data can be then processed with the help of data mining and marketing decision tools. These data are utilized to provide solutions to the customers needs on an online and individual basis. The product can be configured exacting to the individual customer’s needs at the price and with a payment mechanism most convenient to him. The information and the persuasive appeals can also be tailor made for the individual customer. He can be reminded or provided with additional services as per his specific requests and all these information can be utilized in the design of next round of offering to him. This kind of individual personal service when offered on continuous basis becomes service to the customer of significant commercial value. Publicity:   Internet marketing has the capability of viewing existing customers through a wide variety of angles and compares the efficacy of each of these views. Various data mining tools available today are employed to do this job. They mainly utilize the processes of sorting, clustering and association seeking among the consumer characteristics. The history of the customer behavior in terms of past transactions and internet viewing generate rich data for this purpose of publicity automatically. Such data are often supplemented with the offline data collected through alternative sources. The customer segments created with such methodologies can have the advantage of being more dynamic because they can be created through online databases, more insightful because of the use of more powerful clustering and association seeking techniques and customers themselves selecting into a segment of mass market. On the other hand, the customers become empowered to scan much larger canvas of market and bargain for their purchasing power with a larger base of marketers. The customers can also create a large pool of knowledge by online sharing knowledge of their experience based knowledge among their peer customers. The interactivities gained by both marketers and customers have .the potential of unleashing very high levels of energy in the marketplace restricted only by the creative limits of the market players. Public Relation: The advantage of mass customization is made possible through Internet for both customers and the marketers. The customers can identify the optimum provider for his unique sets of needs. Customer can also arrange for updating himself in the precise area of his interest although from the most extensive sources of information possible. The marketer can also store the historical data of customers and their behavior. These data can be then processed with the help of data mining and marketing decision tools. These data are utilized to provide solutions to the customers needs on an online and individual basis. The product can be configured exacting to the individual customer’s needs at the price and with a payment mechanism most convenient to him. The information and the persuasive appeals can also be tailor made for the individual customer. He can be reminded or provided with additional services as per his specific requests and all these information can be utilized in the design of next round of offering to him. This kind of customization when offered on continuous basis becomes service to the customer of significant commercial value. Placement Of Product: Internet marketing is seen as attacking on the length of the distribution chain particularly the information flow related ones, much more efficiently and instantaneously. As a result it is often possible to reorganize the distribution chain at the cost of its length. The span of control can also increase considerably as many of the control related processes can be transferred to the computer. The saving in costs due to these effects is often considered as the most important contributions of internet marketing. The increased availability of distribution related information also causes information overload to the consumers. A new category of channel members, called infomediaries, have also emerged. These infomediaries primarily consolidate the relevant information about the availability of the products and pass them on to the consumers after suitably repackaging them. Besides pure infomediaries, the existing distributors do also rebundle their services after integrating the online and offline elements of their services. Internet also enables online distribution of digitized products. This helps in extending pinpointed reach to a large number of customers, eliminating the lead time between ordering and delivery, reducing the inventory requirements and smooth organization of transaction related data processing. Conclusion In the era of globalization, with marked technological strides has   revolutionized the exchange process of buying and selling of products on the Internet.   Internet marketing is a worldwide phenomenon.   Internet marketing has made inroads as the emerging mode of buying and selling of products to specific target groups with fast changing needs, preferences and life styles. Estee Lauders has the huge potential of promoting the anti aging product through internet. References Philip Kotler (2002) Marketing Management , Prentice Hall New York Charles F.,(2002) Internet Marketing, Wiley Publication Flippo Edwin B., (2001) Marketing Channels, McGraw-Hill. J Taylor Sims, J. Robert Foster, Arch G. Woodside.(1998) Marketing Channels: Systems and Strategies Harper and Row: New York

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas – Abortion

In our society, there are many ethical dilemmas that we are faced with that are virtually impossible to solve. One of the most difficult and controversial issues that we are faced with is abortion. There are many strong arguments both for and against the right to have an abortion which are so complicated that it becomes impossible to resolve. The complexity of this issue lies in the different aspects of the argument. The essence of a person, rights, and who is entitled to these rights, are a few of the many aspects which are very difficult to define. There are also issues of what circumstances would justify abortion. Because the issue of abortion is virtually impossible to solve, all one can hope to do is understand the different aspects of the argument so that if he or she is faced with that issue in their own lives, they would be able to make educated and thoughtful decisions in dealing with it. The definition of a person is an aspect of the abortion issue which raises some very difficult questions. Is an unborn baby a person When does the unborn baby become a person This is a difficult question because in order for one to answer it, he must define the essence of a person. When describing the essence of something, one needs to escribe the necessary and sufficient conditions of that thing. So how does one define the essence of a person Kant describes a person as a rational being. Some people define the essence of a person from more of a biological standpoint. Nevertheless, defining the essence of a person is a very difficult thing for a group of people to agree on. One own definition of a person would most likely greatly impact his opinion on whether abortion is morally justified or not. This becomes even more complicated when one takes into account potentiality. This raises the question of whether the fetus is an actual person r a potential person. Many would argue that a fetus is a potential person because it is has the potential to become what it is not yet. However, does a potential person have potential rights An example was used: does a potential doctor have the rights of a licensed doctor When one is describing potentiality, All he is really describing is what that thing is not. By declaring that a fetus is a potential person, one is also stating that a fetus is not a person. As one can see, this issue of the essence of a person and whether a fetus is a person is a very complicated one. This becomes seven more omplicated if one takes into account the issue of rights. Now, the concept of human rights, that is to say, what American society dictates as human rights, conflicts heavily with itself. On one hand, we form a deep and heavy opinion on one s right to life. On the other, we hold an equally strong opinion on one s freedom to live that life as they please. American society by and large has a firm belief in an individuals right to live. Therefore, if one comes to the conclusion that a fetus actually is a person, then that fetus should receive the protection to it s right to live, as much as you or I. This society also olds the firm belief in one s right to the sovereignty of his or her own body, equal to that of one s right to live. In this case, it is imperative that we understand what liberties we can and cannot take upon ourselves concerning our lives. Case in point, suicide. Society dictates what we are allowed to do, and how we are allowed to live, by law. Most of American laws are written to preserve one s rights to individuality, and one s right to take the liberty to live their lives as they see fit. However, laws are also written to undermine those who s actions compromise the liberties and freedoms of ther individuals, thus protecting the concepts and ideals of agency and liberty. Based on our society s laws, essentially, we believe that what you do to yourself is your choice, and is accepted by law, so long as it doesn stop or impede the lives and freedoms of others. The difficulty in this dilemma lies within the question of whether an abortion falls into a category of protection of a woman s right s over the sovereignty of her own body, or whether it falls into a different category of an action which is not permissible because, according to some people, the fetus is a person whose life and freedom is being ompromised. The question of rights is further complicated by the different circumstances where the abortion issue could be raised. Many people would argue that abortion should not be used as birth control or as a means to deal with the consequences of promiscuous sex. However, how does one address the abortion issue in the circumstance of rape or incest Many say that in these circumstances, abortion is justified. The confusing thing is that the outcome is the same in both circumstances. The fetus is being denied its right to live and grow to its potential as a human being. Where does one draw the line What about case where there is medical complications For example: a woman becomes pregnant and goes to the doctor for an examination. During the doctor visit, various tests are run and it is discovered that the baby will be born severely deformed and that its quality of life would be extremely substandard. If the woman were to have an abortion, would it be justified What about a situation where a woman becomes pregnant and she does to the doctor and is told that the baby is deformed and the birth would most likely kill the mother. The argument justifying abortion in this case goes back to the right to physical sovereignty ver one s own body. A person has the freedom to do what he or she wants to concerning their own body as long as it does not harm or compromise the freedom of another, except in self defense. Therefore, in the case of the mother who would most likely die in childbirth, an abortion could be justified because she is acting in self defense. And in the case of rape, many argue that an abortion is also justified because the woman s right to not conceive has been violated, therefore she should not be responsible for the consequences which came through no fault of her own. As on can see, the issue of abortion is on e that is xtremely complicated. The problem being that many of the ethical dilemmas involved in the abortion issue are so closely intertwined that they are difficult to distinguish from one another. There are some aspects of the issue that would convince most people that abortion is justified, however when those aspects are combined with other intertwining aspects and imperatives, justification oftentimes becomes impossible. In conclusion, the issue of abortion is so complicated and controversial that it is unlikely that a consensus could be reached by American society. There are too many aspects of he issue which peoples views vary to widely. Some of these issues could be things such as the definition of a person, is the fetus a person, and if so when does it officially become a person. There is also the issue of rights. Do the rights of a person outweigh the rights of a non person. Does the right of a mother s sovereignty over her body outweigh the right of an unborn child to live. The answers to these questions are very diverse as a result of the diversity of the American society. With the issue of abortion, one s attitude toward it is going to be based on many things such as religious background and ersonal morals. There is no black and white answer to the abortion issue. Luckily we live in a country where we are able to decide for ourselves whether something is morally right or wrong. Thus, ultimately, the choice is ours. As with the many other ethical issues which we are faced with in our society, it is hard to come to a concrete answer until we are personally faced with that issue. All we can do is make an effort to know all of the aspects which are involved so that we may be able to make a sound decision if we were faced with this problem in our own lives.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Sigmund Freud Essays - Freudian Psychology, Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud Essays - Freudian Psychology, Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud My girlfriend called me from Dallas the other day. "You have got to hear about the dream I had last night," she said. Since this was not a normal reason to call me, I was more than a bit interested to listen to her. "The dream went like this," she explained. "I came to visit you at college. You showed me around, introduced me to your friends, and showed me a great time. Basically, we never left each others side. I felt so happy. Unfortunately, when I woke up, I realized that it was all a dream, and I felt kind of sad. You?re the psychologist what do you make of this?" she said. "Freud said that dreams are unfulfilled wishes," I said. "I think he?s right," she replied. "So do I." Sigmund Freud is called the Father of Modern Psychology. His work with patients suffering from hysteria, a psychological ailment characterized by extreme anxiety, lead him to study the next to every facet of human existence from parent and child relations to human psychological defense mechanisms. Many of Freud?s works have been published today including the monumental work The Interpretation of Dreams. This book discusses Freud?s theory on the importance and meaning of dreams. Freud realized his dream theory shortly after his father died. The death of his dad was very traumatic to him, and he had a recurring dream that he would be standing at the gates of the cemetery where his father was buried, but he could not bring himself to go inside and see his father?s grave. This seemed odd to Freud because he was very close to his father. After much soul searching, which included Freud undergoing hypnosis, he discovered that he had unresolved anger for his father that he pushed into his unconscious. Freud believed that he was getting even with his father in his dream by not visiting his grave. To Freud, understanding dreams was an integral part in understanding the true inner feelings of people. Freud believed in the theory that dreams have meaning. This hypothesis is also shared by the Gestalt theorist Fritz Pearls. However, not every psychologist agrees with this view. Many of Freud?s colleagues subscribed to the idea that dreams are nothing more than random brain poppings. These scientists do not believe that dreams have any meaning or use in the therapy of people. Freud?s theory is a very important contribution to psychological thought and should not go overlooked. While the random poppings theories may be more biologically correct, Freud?s theory explains a part of the human psyche that science cannot measure. According to Freud, dreams are a disguised form of wish fulfillment, a way to satisfy unconscious urges or resolve unconscious conflicts that are too upsetting to deal with consciously. For example, sexual desires might appear in a dream as the rhythmic motions of a horse back ride; conflicting feelings about a parent might appear as a dream about a fight. Seeing patients? dreams as a "royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious" (Adler 1), Freud interpreted their meaning as a part of his psychoanalytic treatment of psychological disorders. The biggest criticism of the Freudian dream theory is that it is based solely on subjective, unproven, nonscientific evidence. The main opposing view to Freud?s theory is the activation-synthesis theory. First theorized in 1977 by James Hobson and William McCarley, the activation-synthesis theory sees dreams as the meaningless, random by-products of REM sleep. According to this theory, hind brain arousal during REM creates random messages that activate the brain, especially the cerebral cortex. Dreams result as the cortex synthesizes these random messages as best it can, using stored memories and current feelings to impose a coherent perceptual organization on the random thoughts it receives. From this perspective, dreams represent the brain?s attempt to make sense of meaningless stimulation during sleep, much as it does when a person, while awake, tries to find meaningful shapes in cloud formations (Beck 2). The other major dream theory that states that dreams are random is the Crick Hypothesis. This says that dreams are the dislodging of maladaptive neural connections. Dreams rewire the brain and make certain connections stronger. Psychological biology utilizes modern technology to study dreams. The electroencephalogram, or EEG, records brain

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Battle of Fort Washington in the American Revolution

Battle of Fort Washington in the American Revolution The Battle of Fort Washington was fought on November 16, 1776, during the American Revolution (1775-1783). Having defeated the British at the Siege of Boston in March 1776, General George Washington moved his army south to New York City. Laying out defenses for the city in conjunction with Brigadier General Nathanael Greene and Colonel Henry Knox, he selected a site on the north end of Manhattan for a fort. Located near the highest point on the island, work began on Fort Washington under the guidance of Colonel Rufus Putnam. Constructed of earth, the fort lacked a surrounding ditch as American forces did not have sufficient powder for blasting out the rocky soil around the site. A five-sided structure with bastions, Fort Washington, along with Fort Lee on the opposite bank of the Hudson, was intended to command the river and prevent British warships from moving north. To further defend the fort, three lines of defenses were laid out to the south. While the first two were completed, construction on the third lagged. Supporting works and batteries were constructed on Jeffreys Hook, Laurel Hill, and on a hill overlooking Spuyten Duyvil Creek to the north. Work continued as Washingtons army was defeated at the Battle of Long Island in late August. American Commanders Colonel Robert Magaw3,000 men British Commanders General William HoweGeneral Wilhelm von Kynphausen8,000 men To Hold or Retreat Landing on Manhattan in September, British forces compelled Washington to abandon New York City and retreat north. Occupying a strong position, he won a victory at Harlem Heights on September 16. Unwilling to directly attack the American lines, General William Howe elected to move his army north to Throgs Neck and then on to Pells Point. With the British in his rear, Washington crossed over from Manhattan with the bulk of his army lest it be trapped on the island. Clashing with Howe at White Plains on October 28, he was again forced to fall back. Halting at Dobbs Ferry, Washington elected to split his army with Major General Charles Lee remaining on the east bank of the Hudson and Major General William Heath directed to take men to the Hudson Highlands. Washington then moved with 2,000 men to Fort Lee. Due to its isolated position in Manhattan, he wished to evacuate Colonel Robert Magaws 3,000-man garrison at Fort Washington but was convinced to retain the fort by Greene and Putnam. Returning to Manhattan, Howe began making plans to assault the fort. On November 15, he dispatched Lieutenant Colonel James Patterson with a message demanding Magaws surrender. The British Plan To take the fort, Howe intended to strike from three directions while feinting from a fourth. While General Wilhelm von Kynphausens Hessians were to attack from the north, Lord Hugh Percy was to advance from the south with a mixed force of British and Hessian troops. These movements would be supported by Major General Lord Charles Cornwallis and Brigadier General Edward Mathew attacking across the Harlem River from the northeast. The feint would come from the east, where the 42nd Regiment of Foot (Highlanders) would cross the Harlem River behind the American lines. The Attack Begins Pushing forward on November 16, Knyphausens men were ferried across during the night. Their advance had to be stopped as Mathews men were delayed due to the tide. Opening fire on the American lines with artillery, the Hessians were supported by the frigate HMS Pearl (32 guns) which worked to silence the American guns. To the south, Percys artillery also joined the fray. Around noon, the Hessian advanced resumed as Mathew and Cornwallis men landed to the east under heavy fire. While the British secured a foothold on Laurel Hill, Colonel Johann Ralls Hessians took the hill by Spuyten Duyvil Creek. Having gained a position on Manhattan, the Hessians pushed south towards Fort Washington. Their advance was soon halted by heavy fire from Lieutenant Colonel Moses Rawlings Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment. To the south, Percy approached the first American line which was held by Lieutenant Colonel Lambert Cadwaladers men. Halting, he awaited a sign that the 42nd had landed before pushing forward. As the 42nd came ashore, Cadwalader began sending men to oppose it. Hearing the musket fire, Percy attacked and soon began to overwhelm the defenders. The American Collapse Having crossed to view the fighting, Washington, Greene, and Brigadier General Hugh Mercer elected to return to Fort Lee. Under pressure on two fronts, Cadwaladers men soon were forced to abandon the second line of defenses and began retreating to Fort Washington. To the north, Rawlings men were gradually pushed back by the Hessians before being overrun after hand-to-hand fighting. With the situation rapidly deteriorating, Washington dispatched Captain John Gooch with a message requesting Magaw to hold out until nightfall. He hoped that the garrison could be evacuated after dark. As Howes forces tightened the noose around Fort Washington, Knyphausen had Rall demand Magaws surrender. Sending an officer to treat with Cadwalader, Rall gave Magaw thirty minutes to surrender the fort. While Magaw discussed the situation with his officers, Gooch arrived with Washingtons message. Though Magaw attempted to stall, he was forced to capitulate and the American flag was lowered at 4:00 PM. Unwilling to be taken a prisoner, Gooch jumped over the forts wall and tumbled down to the shore. He was able to locate a boat and escaped to Fort Lee. The Aftermath In taking Fort Washington, Howe suffered 84 killed and 374 wounded. American losses numbered 59 killed, 96 wounded, and 2,838 captured. Of those soldiers taken prisoner, only around 800 survived their captivity to be exchanged the following year. Three days after the fall of Fort Washington, American troops were forced to abandon Fort Lee. Retreating across New Jersey, the remains of Washingtons army finally halted after crossing the Delaware River. Regrouping, he attacked across the river on December 26 and defeated Rall at Trenton. This victory was followed up on January 3, 1777, when American troops won the Battle of Princeton.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Religious Expression in Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Religious Expression in Humanities - Essay Example Due to this, religion is an integral part of the society that fosters humanness and social progress. Rome is an ancient city that plays a pivotal role in world religion. The Romans believed in a strong connection between the gods and the people. Most Romans held the central view regarding the value and importance of religion (Dillon and Garland 54). The religious convictions of the Roman culture were evident in their manner of worship and lifestyle. In fact, religion became central to their culture. The Romans used several ways to express their religion. Rome is an ancient city where the citizens found it necessary to offer sacrifices to their gods. Ceremonies found their meaning in terms of the religious expressions. For example, families would conduct prayers to the household god, Janus. In addition, the Roman government had various religious offices to cater for the religious needs of the society. For instance, the priests held senior positions in the society (Dillon and Garland 67). Due to this, the role of religion played a critical role when it came to the dissemination of duties. In the Roman case, there were 16 Pontifices who would preside over religious events. The ruler of the Roman Empire found it necessary to consult these priests before making a decision. The period 770-220 BCE was the â€Å"Spring and Autumn Period† that covers part of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and Hans Dynasty. Even though the Chinese had a high regard for religion, the Zhou Dynasty did not have any regard for religion (Lagerwey and Kalinowski 22). It was a period characterized by elitism and religion. Scholars believe that during this period, no prophet spoke. The priests did not take any part in explaining the will of the heavens. In addition, there were no books that could explain the religious expectations of man. During this time, heaven’s role took a back seat. On the contrary, when Hans took over, religion took a critical position. The Chinese concept

Friday, November 1, 2019

Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Methodology - Essay Example It gives a clearly defined structure for the enquiry and supports the researcher to stay within a defined set of limits. This methodology provides the scheme for sampling, data collection, data analysis and explanation of findings for the research. For the sake of providing the best understanding, it will be appropriate to summarize important elements of the research in order to make the research methodology meaningful. Research aims The research aims as stated in chapter one are: 1) To understand the main objective of teaching and maintaining art in the curriculum 2) To provide an understanding of the importance of teaching and maintaining art in the curriculum for students in Iraq 3) To identify the role that art has played as a subject in the Iraqi community 4) Compare the approach to the teaching and learning of art in the UK and Iraq 3.3. Validity and reliability in research Validity refers to the use of right and correct methods or systems to conduct a research (Cohen et al, 20 07). As such, the use of such methods needs to be justified. On the other hand, reliability is about maintaining confidence in the work by showing that accuracy and other important yardsticks are safeguarded throughout the research (Goodwin, 2009). This research would be conducted with respect to various ethical requirements of research. As such, all relevant ethics in research in the UK would be included in the. In the sense of doing the research, it would be proper then to employ the use of triangulation as a mode of assessing not only the reliability of the data but also the confidence bestowed on the results given by the data. In triangulation different approaches are used in the data collection and analysis in order to evidently observe the coherence and resonance that is depicted by the various methods this explains why it’s believed to communicate the reliability of the data. Triangulation is also subdivided into various castes; triangulation of methods, investigator, data sources and that of theory triangulation (Creswell, 2009). All the components of the data are important in enhancing it reliability and adoption in doing qualitative researches. Just like in statistics, the reliability of the findings is only scientifically and statistically convincing based on the broad base of the various areas consulted. These increased bases do increase the chances of all factors consideration and is entirely imperative in communication the efficacy of a data to be adopted (Creswell, 2009). Even in the service rendered by the triangulation as a method of doing and carrying out a qualitative research, it has been equally defied given the technical challenges associated with it. A part from significantly inflating the total cost of the research, the method is also argued to provide a very difficult approach in trying to understand the various methods given the conflicting approaches considered in the multimethod exercise (Tashakkori, Abbas, and Teddlie, 2009) .research. In defining the variables, care would be taken to incorporate the writer's experience and experience of learned persons to attain guidelines on how to calibrate the variables. This will be done through consultation and discussions 3.2. Qualitative and Quantities Research Qualitative methods are meant to provide an observation of social phenomenon from a close analysis of facts and trends with a critical

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Importance of accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Importance of accounting - Essay Example It is proved that accounting systems can highly influence the decision-making process and that the mode of intervention of these systems in the above process is not standardized. Under these terms, it can be assumed that the view of Thaler on accounting systems, as presented above, is justified. In order to understand the role of accounting system in the decision-making process it would be necessary to refer to the involvement of accounting information in critical decisions. Indeed, accounting systems affect the decision-making process through the data they incorporate, i.e. through the accounting information. Drury (2007) notes that accounting is used for ‘communicating information to people who have an interest in the organization, i.e. shareholders, employees or even the government’ (Drury 2007, p.4). It is assumed that the primary role of accounting is to provide to individuals critical information in regard to various business activities. Nikolai et al. (2009) note that accounting information has a different role in decision-making. For example, investors use accounting information, as incorporated in a company’s financial reports, in order to decide the level of their investment in the particular organization (Nikolai et al. 2009, p.7). Moreover, s tock exchanges also review the accounting information in order to take decisions related to ‘listings, cancellations or rule-making’ (Nikolai et al. 2009, p.7). Accounting information is also valuable in negotiations between employers and trade unions. The latter need accounting information in order to get informed on the financial status of the employer involved and decide on their position and their financial claims (Nikolai et al. 2009, p.7). According to Hall (2010) accounting information is quite critical in the development of strategic decisions. It is explained that strategic managers have to review their firm’s financial data before taking any decision (Hall

Monday, October 28, 2019

Japanese animation and how its been influenced by American culture in the 20th century

Japanese animation and how its been influenced by American culture in the 20th century Introduction In this essay I shall investigate to what extent twentieth century American culture has influenced Japanese animation. I shall examine the history of Japanese film, paying close attention to the rise of animation as an independent art form; determine what facets of American culture have appeared and influenced Japanese animation, including language, pop culture and consumerism; present two case studies of Japanese animated productions that adhere to the American influence; and draw conclusions from my findings. For my research I shall be referencing literature on Japanese animation, American culture and film history. The case studies shall consist of films by Osamu Tezuka and Mamoru Oshii. History of Japanese Animation The Japanese film industry was born out of the fascination with Edisons Kinetoscope. The Kinetoscope had been first shown in New York in 1894, and two years later the Japanese imported several to their cities. This was a period of celebration and novelty as the Sino-Japanese war had been won in 1895 with Japan forcing the Chinese invasion out of Korea; proving that Japan could adjust to the modern civilization [sic] which less than fifty years earlier had arrived knocking at the closed gates of the country in the person of Commodore Perry. It was the reign of Emperor Meiji, spanning 44 years from 1868 to 1912, which welcomed an era of rapid commercial expansion. In 1897, the Lumià ¨re brothers Cinà ©matographe arrived with a mixed bill of films including Baignade en Mer and LArrivà ©e dun Train en Gare. This was followed by the Edison Vitascope and its films The Death of Mary Queen of Scots and Feeding Pigeons. These innovative projectors were extremely popular with the Japanese, including the future Emperor Taisho. The public were arriving in their thousands to watch these films and continued to do so for another twenty years. Throughout this period the Japanese were importing films from Europe and the United States. It was only in 1912 that Japan founded its first production company; Nikkatsu Motion Picture Company. Established as an independent company under the title Japan Cinematograph Company, Nikkatsu started mass distribution and production of films in the 1920s. This meant that Japan was still dependant on films produced in the West to exhibit in its cinemas in the 1910s. During the First World War (1914-1918) European films were unavailable and to fill the void Japan began to heavily import films from Hollywood. One particular film that was to change the way the Japanese read film narrative was D.W. Griffiths 1916 feature, Intolerance. Perhaps the director nost influenced by Griffith in this early period of Japanese film was Norimasa Kaeriyama. Kaeriyama introduced advanced film technique into Japan and helped establish the Film Record, the countrys first motion picture magazine. His films were heavily inspired by the Hollywood narrative structure and were dedicated to: the introduction of long-, medium-, and close-shots, together with editing principles; the conversion to realistic acting; and the use of actresses in womens roles instead of oyama (oyama impersonators were previously used instead of actresses for female roles). After the death of Emperor Taisho in 1926 Japans new Emperor, Showa (Hirohito), began to reject the liberal attitudes towards Western influence of his predecessor. There was more emphasis on creating greater armies and a more powerful navy than building diplomatic relations. Before the Great Depression rocked the United States and Europe, Japan had already suffered; this was accelerated by the population boom across the country. Japan now put emphasis into its manufacturing and exportation of goods. Japans foreign policy had become one of aggressive expansion; they had seized control of the railways in Shandong, China, but were forced to withdraw after China boycotted Japanese exports. There was unrest in the country as labour unions were growing and dissatisfaction bred. Strikes and boycotts were rife, and this was reflected in the films of the time. Period drama films afforded the public the luxury of escapism while, on the other end of the scale, left-wing tendency films that soug ht to encourage, or fight against, a given social tendency played to the nation. This period of filmmaking in Japan proved that the industry had grown up from its humble origins and was establishing its own themes. The influx of the talkies from Hollywood finally pushed Japanese filmmakers to produce their own sound filmes. In the early 1930s sound became the norm for Japanese productions and therefore pushed the boundaries of the industry; allowing directors such as Teinosuke Kinugasa to create lavish dramas that were adored by the public. Suddenly the door was open for filmmakers to adapt historic tales dramatically. These dramas were singled out by the Emperor who saw them as an important tool to boost the nations morale, showing the masses how important history was; and how important it was to actually make their own history. The second Sino-Japanese war was not unexpected. The film industry had to develop the skills to produce the war genre. The first Japanese war movie was Tomotaka Tasakas 1938 feature, Five Scouts (Gonin no Sekkohei). It is interesting to note that this film does not include the pride, nationalism or propaganda that was being released in the United States, Britain or Ger many. The story dealt with the lives of five soldiers caught up in a battle that they know they must fight. This narrative development of character over plot is still used in modern cinema, most recently in Sam Mendes Jarhead (2005). After the destruction of the Second World War, Japan was forced to rebuild as a nation. The Emperor saw the need to keep the cinemas open (at least those that still remained). Production continued, some unfinished films were abandoned due to their military narrative, and projects that had been discarded before the outbreak of war were completed. The occupying Allied interim government announced a list of prohibited subjects, these included militarism, revenge, nationalism, religious or racial discrimination, feudal loyalty, suicide, cruelty, exploitation of children and opposition to the occupation. Editorial power had been taken away from the filmmakers and left with a foreign military presence. Out of this period two important directors were to emerge; Kurosawa and Kinoshita.In 1950, Akira Kurosawas Rashomon was released. The film introduced new ideas to Japanese, and world, cinema. It was the first film to use flashbacks that disagreed with the action they were flashing back to. I t supplied first-person eyewitness accounts that differed radically; one of which came from beyond the grave. The final scene saw no Hollywood resolution with three self-confessed killers and no explanation. His later films included Seven Samurai (Shichinin no samurai) (1954), The Hidden Fortress (Kakushi-toride no san-akunin) (1958) and Yojimbo (1961). Keisuke Kinoshita directed Japans first colour film in 1951 with Carmen Comes Home (Karumen kokyo ni kaeru). Kinoshitas work is much lighter than that of Kurosawa and his influences seem to come from French comedies; most notably in the two Carmen movies featuring the stripper-with-a-heart-of-gold Carmen. Both these and other films explore the need for a character to leave the countryside and head to the new cities. This was echoed in Japans successful attempts to join the United Nations in 1956. In 1958 the first cartoon feature from Japan was released from the Toei studios. Panda and the Magic Serpent (Hakuja den) was directed by Kazuhiko Okabe and Taiji Yabushita and tells of two lovers in ancient China who must battle evil to find happiness. The film combines bizarre supernatural sequences, psychedelic montages and instantly likeable songs. Even though it can be argued that this is the Japanese interpretation of Disneys 1940 classic Fantasia, Panda and the Magic Serpent heralds the beginning of the Japanese animation industry (anime). Anime is the term used to describe Japanese animation. Since the 1950s Japan has been at the forefront of not only producing animation but is a world-leader in comic book art, or Manga. It is best described by Gilles Poitras: Anime (pronounced ah-nee-may), as defined by common non-Japanese fan usage, is any animation made in Japan. In Japan, the word simply means animation. While anime is sometimes erroneously referred to as a genre, it is in reality an art form that includes all the genres found in cinema or literature, from heroic epics and romances to science fiction and comedy. Whereas anime is what people would refer to as cartoons, Manga is the illustrated storyboards that the reader animates in his or her head. The fact that Manga is read by a whole cross-section of society is notable because it is; simply too fascinating, colorful [sic], and rich a literary medium to be left solely to children. The 1960s saw a host of anime films released. In The Enchanted Monkey (Saiyu-ki), directed by Daisaku Shirakawa, Taiji Yabushita and Osamu Tezuka in 1960, the story is a retelling of part of the epic Chinese classic, The Journey to the West, written by Wu Cheng-En in the sixteenth century. This technique of updating early stories was a popular theme in anime and is still used today. However, it was not only the cinema that was releasing anime productions. Japanese television aired Mighty Atom (Tetsuwan Atomu) from 1963 to 1966. Mighty Atom was the creation of Dr Osamu Tezuka, an influential figure in the early development of Manga. It was the first animated series produced by Tezukas television and film production company, Mushi Studios. The initial episode was shown as a television special on New Years Eve (one of the most widely viewed evenings on Japanese television) and became an instant success. When the series was shown in the United States the characters name was changed to As troboy due to DC Comics already owning a character called The Mighty Atom. The series proved to be extremely popular with children, and sparked controversy amongst parents who, even though the translation was greatly softened and sometimes edited for juvenile audiences, complained that the often dark subject matter was not suitable for impressionable young minds. Some episodes exhibited increasingly dreamlike and surreal imagery. This argument still persists today with the debate on whether graphic violence in cartoons (or anime) can prove detrimental to a young audience. The 1970s was a time of consolidation for the animation studios. The worldwide popularity of anime had afforded hundreds of studios to be set up to produce a plethora of films and television series. The moon landing in 1969 fired the imagination of the world with more emphasis on science fiction; and that is what the audience wanted. Fans of anime, or otaku, from around the world demanded new productions from these studios, and in turn the studios delivered new and advanced films. Otaku derives from the Chinese character for house and the honorific prefix o-. This translates as your honourable house. It is an extremely polite way of saying you when addressing another person in conversation; the writer Akio Nakamori proposed that the term be applied to the fans themselves. Another interpretation, as used by the Japanese media, is that of extreme fixation, which is probably closer to the truth. Either way it is the fans of anime that have been the driving force behind its success. In 1971 an animator directed 24 episodes of an anime series called Lupin III (Rupan sansei). It was the start of a very important career for perhaps the most important animator to come out of Japan. This man was Hayao Miyazaki. The series ran from 1971 to 1972 and was so successful that a number of sequels were made as well as theatrical releases. Lupin III describes the life of gang members in 1970s society. The action targeted the adult audience with its violence, sex, dark humour and contemporary soundtrack. Eight years later Miyazaki went on to direct The Castle of Cagliostro (Rupan sansei: Kariosutoro no shiro). The film is a continuation of the Lupin franchise that started with the television series in 1971. The emphasis is on the characters rather than the plot; a trait that Miyazaki develops over the course of his career. Even though the film is far from being one of the best examples of anime from the 1970s, the pace, comedy and willingness to show anti-heroes captures the f eeling of the decade. Another example of an anime series that became global was Gatchaman Science Ninjas (Kagaku ninja tai Gatchaman). This series originally ran from 1972 to 1974 in Japan before being renamed Battle of the Planets when it aired in the United States in 1978. Yet again the re-dubbed, re-edited version was toned down for the Western audience, so much so that the series was moved from Earth to outer space; sequences with a robot (7-Zark-7) were added to patch the safer storylines together, make up for the lost (edited) footage and jump on the Star Wars R2-D2 bandwagon; exploding planes and ships were always robot-controlled and Spectra forces constantly ejected. The original Gatchaman series introduced characters that had feelings and motivation; there was character development and ongoing sub-plots. They sought revenge, felt jealousy and fear, had relationships, and got hurt. The villains were unabashedly evil, not misguided. The heroes didnt always win, at least not completely.It was as if the West was still not ready to embrace anime and Manga as an art form that was acceptable for adults to enjoy. Anime was still widely seen as cartoons for children in the 1970s. The Japanese animation industry went from strength to strength in the 1980s. It was the decade that saw the Western world finally succumb to the power of anime. This was a two-pronged attack; a Manga pincer movement. For those that still believed animation was for children there was the extraordinary global phenomenon that was Transformers, and for those that were looking for an alternative cult classic there was Akira. In 1984, American toy manufacturer Hasbro bought the rights to produce transforming robots from Japanese company Takara. To bolster the sales of their new line Hasbro decided to use anime as the frontline attack on the target audience (children). The result was the extremely successful Transformer series. This series led to the production of the 1986 feature film, Transformers: The Movie. This was the first real evidence of American culture, in its consumer form, influencing Japanese animation. In stark contrast of the animation-as-advert, Katsuhiro Ôtomo directed the 1988 classic Akira. The film was soon to become a benchmark for anime in Japan, and across the world. This was a film that was aimed at adults with dark, subversive themes. The futuristic settings of Neo-Tokyo were apocalyptic and tinged with doom. After Akira it was widely accepted that anime was not just for children. The 1990s saw anime reach mass appeal as the release of such films as Patlabor (Kidà ´ keisatsu patorebà ¢) (1990), Patlabor II (Kidà ´ keisatsu patorebà ¢ 2) (1993) and Ghost in the Shell (Kà ´kaku kidà ´tai) (1995) by Mamoru Oshii found an international audience; Hideaki Anno and Kazuya Tsurumakis 1997 feature End of Evangelion (Shin seiki Evangelion Gekijà ´-ban: Air) followed on where the original Japanese television series left off; and of course Hayao Miyazakis Crimson Pig (Kurenai no buta) (1992) and Princess Mononoke (Mononoke-hime) (1997). The American influence was still rife as the toy industry, in particular the computer and video game market, provided the plotlines to a number of films and television series including Street Fighter II: The Movie (1994), Battle Arena Toshinden (1997) and the original series of the next big thing, Pokà ©mon (1998 onwards). In 1999, Michael Haigney and Kunihiko Yuyama directed the feature length version of the popular Pokà ©mon ser ies; Pokà ©mon: The First Movie. Whereas the 1980s saw Transformers flood the childrens market, the beginning of the new millennium saw the Japanese revenge. Pokà ©mon originally began as a video game, on the Nintendo Gameboy: The Pokà ©mon game was the platform for the Pokà ©mon brand to kick-start what would become the worlds largest success story in the game-licensing card-collecting business. The video game gave the characters identities, the collection cards gave them powers, the movie added life to the brand, and word-of-mouth spread the news. The Pokà ©mon invasion is still evident nearly ten years later as the television series is still in production, with two feature film sequels having followed the original cinematic release. The consumerism powers of America had truly influenced anime. American Cultural Invasion The cultural invasion from the West began in earnest at the turn of the twentieth century. Japans industrial revolution had been slow to start but quickly gathered momentum. By 1890 there were two hundred large steam factories where twenty years earlier there had been none; steamship tonnage increased from 15,000 to over 1,500,000 tons in the period between 1893 and 1905; and by 1896 things Western were in full fashion derbies or straw boaters were worn with formal kimono, the big gold pocket-watch was tucked into the obi, and spectacles, whether needed or not, were esteemed as a sign of learning. Ironically, the period when Japan found itself bowing down to the pressure of American influence was directly after fighting a war against it. When the atom bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki it was not just the radiation that remained in Japan. Any country that has been invaded will always have traces of the invaders culture embedded into the normal life of its habitants. The All ied (most notably the American) control of Japan directly after the war was to allow Western influences to develop into the Japanese way of life. This influence was both highly visual as well as subliminal. America saw the clandestine operations there were not only as part of an effort to defeat Japan but also as the opening wedge for post-war Southeast Asia. The Japanese were suspicious of the Western approach to education and the governing of their homeland. The Occupation, they thought, had destroyed traditional Japanese virtues and unleashed a wave of selfishness and egotism. In an interview with the elderly president of a real estate company in Oita City, author Jeffrey Broadbent discovered the feelings of the former owbers of the land: Due to American influence, the heart of our people has been lost our way of thinking that, if its good for the progress of the whole, its good to sacrifice yourself The Japanese strength from group unity has been lost. The other side of the coi n is the very noticeable, consumer-led American cultural assault on Japan.The way in which American culture has seeped into the Japanese way of life is what Koichi Iwabuchi writes as: strategies that incorporate the viewpoint of the dominated, who long ago learned to negotiate Western culture in their consumption of media products imported fro the West. Depending on the viewpoint of the individual, culture and life in Japan, and especially that in the densely populated areas, are influenced by the same commercial culture that defines the American way of life today. Japanese streets are now littered with the flashing neon signs that are found (admittedly all over the world) adorning the pavements of any American town or city. Western branding has left its mark on Japan. The American phenomenon of the fast-food culture such as McDonalds, Burger King, Dunkin Donuts, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Baskin-Robbins, and other outlets dominate the Japanese urbanscape more than in America. As a mat ter of fact the first Disneyland outside the United States was built in Japan. Even when taking into consideration the immense popularity of Japanese culture (for example, the growth of Yo! Sushi restaurants in the UK) and the Wests embracing of Eastern philosophies (in this case Shinto and Buddhism), it is safe to say that Japanese culture has been more extensively shaped by its American counterpart than vice versa. If it is indeed true that Japans exports of products and manufactured goods far outweighs its imports, then it is also true that Japan imports vastly more information about or from the United States than the other way round. Japan is today regarded as one of the leading powers in the world especially in the representation of its national media; the Japanese population of more than 120 million people and its economic wealth make the Japanese audiovisual market, along with that of the United States, one of the only two self-sufficient markets in the world. However, this does not mean that foreign popular culture is no longer consumed in Japan; American popular culture has continued to strongly influence and saturate Japan. Japan is one of the biggest buyers of Hollywood movie and many Japanese television formats and concepts are also deeply influenced by and borrowed from American programmes; yet the format is quite often changed to make it more suitable to a Japanese audience: What was marked as foreign and exotic yesterday can become familiar today and traditionally Japanese tomorrow. Kosaku Yoshino writes that although Japan has developed a relative maturity of its cultural industries, it still hasnt fo und itself fully expanding on the exportation of its television programming and films to other regions of the world. This unexportability of Japanese media can be explained by the term cultural discount: A particular programme rooted in one culture and thus attractive in that environment will have a diminished appeal elsewhere as viewers find it difficult to identify with the style, values, beliefs, institutions and behavioural patterns of the material in question. Included in the cultural discount are reductions in appreciation due to dubbing or subtitling. The biggest media products that the Japanese have managed to export, despite cultural discount, is Manga and anime; but is this due to American cultural influences shaping the genre into a more Western-friendly medium? Case Study 1 Alakazam the Great (Saiyu-ki) The first example of a Japanese animation that has been influenced by American culture is the 1960 feature, The Enchanted Monkey (Saiyu-ki), directed by Daisaku Shirakawa, Taiji Yabushita and Osamu Tezuka for Toei Studios. It was released in America as Alakazam the Great in an attempt to win a bigger audience by moving away from the emphasis of the ancient Eastern tale, the story is a retelling of part of the epic Chinese classic The Journey to the West (Xiyouji), written by Wu Cheng-En in the sixteenth century. The title name-change and the subsequent character name-changes point to the influence that America held over Japanese culture at the time. The original story chronicles the many encounters of Sanzo, a monk who travels from China to India to obtain a copy of the original Buddhist scriptures to bring back to his country and teach the purity of Siddhartas original messages. In Osamu Tezukas film the star of the show is not Sanzo but Son Goku, the monkey king. Son Guko is a tale nted but arrogant warrior that is sent on a journey by Buddha to learn the virtues of humility and compassion. However, when re-dubbed and released in the United States the characters changed. Sanzo became Prince Amat and turns out to be the son of Buddha. Buddha in turn is named King Amo, Sir Quigley (Pigze), Lulipopo (Sandy), and Son Goku is renamed the titular Alakazam. Considering the fact that the storyline was centuries old there is more than a passing resemblance between the character of Alakazam (Son Guko) and the way in which Japan was seen by the rest of the world. In the tale the protagonist is king of his surroundings (Japan in the late 1930s and early 1940s) before he discovers the existence of a people that are more powerful than him. In an attempt to beat them he sneaks into their world and begins a pre-emptive strike against them (Pearl Harbour attack). He is then disciplined by a greater being (America) before being allowed to continue his journey under the agreement that he learns from his mistakes (the Occupation and the subsequent acceptance into the United Nations). I believe the fact that Tezuka decided to use the story to create this, the third Japanese feature length animation, demonstrates an understanding of the ever present American dominance over Japan. The aesthetics of the production borrow from the American animations of the time. In the post-war period it was evident that the biggest influence on the explosion of Manga style artwork came from the imports of European and American comic books and animation. The most famous being the work from the studios of Walt Disney. Osamu Tezuka was originally a Manga artist before he became involved with anime. His style and technique was heavily influenced by Disney (he admitted to watching Bambi 80 times and Snow White 50 times). The studio that he worked for, Toei, strived for that same cross-cultural, cross-generational appeal of Disney, albeit using more Asian scenarios. Considering that he had studied Disneys Bambi to the point of obsession it is not surprising to learn that Tezuka noted how Bambis childish attributes, such as his big eyes and large head, were an ideal way of conveying complex emotions. The influence of the West is truly evident in this film, and many that followed it. Case Study 2 Ghost in the Shell (Kà ´kaku kidà ´tai) (1995) The second film I am looking at in detail is Ghost in the Shell (Kà ´kaku kidà ´tai) (1995), directed by Mamoru Oshii. It is widely accepted that anime has been inspired by a number of different factors that draws simultaneously on medieval Japanese traditions, on American cyberpunk styles, and on an imagery of ethnic and cultural mixture (of the sort envisioned in Blade Runner) that never quite evokes any specific human society, but that in various ways hints of the American dream of a multicultural society and suggests the extent to which the American science fiction film has become a key narrative type for much of contemporary culture. This cyberpunk culture has been lapped up by the Japanese and features heavily in Manga and anime. Perhaps the most famous writers and contributors to this particular genre are William Gibson, author of the cult Neuromancer and Philip K. Dick, author of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the novel that was the basis of the 1982 classic Blade Ru nner. Both these writers provided a futuristic world that could be further advanced by the medium of animation. The plot of Ghost in the Shell parallels Neuromancer very closely, except that rather than an artificial intelligence seeking to be free by merging with its better half, an artificial life form (the Puppet Master) seeks to free itself by merging with the protagonist (cyborg Major Motoko Kusangi). Developing similar themes to Gibson and Dick, Oshiis interest in mankinds over-reliance on technology is brought to a logical conclusion in Ghost in the Shell, which foregrounds fundamental questions about what it is to be human in an increasingly computerised cyberworld, where a computer programme gains sentience and also questions its own function in the acquisition of power, autonomy and longevity. In Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and later Blade Runner the plot and characterisation are centred on the struggle to determine what is human and what is machine. It can be argued that Neuromancer borrows from modern Eastern culture as the locale is set in Japan, however, it is the significance of the characters rather than the setting that has cemented it as a science-fiction classic. In Dicks novel, the opening image of the book, comparing nature to technology, sets the tone of this narrative. The protagonist, Case is a combination of man and machine; a now common trait amongst Cyberpunk literature and animation.It is this imagery that Oshii has borrowed from the West that has provided the background to his work; Blade Runner has been labelled as one of the finest examples of post-noir with its anti-heroes, atmospheric lighting and dark storylines, and Oshii replicates this in his film. He uses sound, and in particular the score written by Kenji Kawais to achieve an emotional response from the viewer that is a million miles from any Disney cartoon. He presents Ghost in the Shell with the feeling of a bona fide film noir that just happens to be an anime production. As such Oshii has admittedly borrowed American ideas, themes and culture but he has formed his own creative style out of it. He uses the medium not only to entertain but to put forward questions of morality to an audience that are not treated like children: Oshii develops the form by refusing innocence and indifference, insisting upon only the maturity of the medium. Indeed, while in an accessible, orthodox model, it only advances the case further that all animation is in some sense experimental, even within populist forms. Conclusion From my research I have drawn the conclusion that Japanese animation has indeed been influenced by twentieth century American culture. This has happened side by side with the country as a whole accepting elements of Western popular culture. As early as the beginning of the century under the leadership of Emperor Meiji Japan began to embrace the West after years of being an insular island race. It was immediately after the end of the Second World War, when Japan was occupied by the Americans under General MacArthur from 1945 to 1951, that the floodgates opened. American control influenced education, culture and general living. Whereas the older generation saw this as Japan losing its heart the younger generation thought of it as a fresh start. This is evident in Japans rise to power in the 1960s onwards. The Feudal system of Japan that had reigned until 1868 had been disregarded; the way of the samurai had been supplanted by the power of the microchip. The nation had taken on board Am erican culture and adjusted it for their own purpose. This ability to progress with outside influences paved the way for animators such as Kazuhiko Okabe, Taiji Yabushita, Osamu Tezuka, Hayao Miyazaki, Katsuhiro Ôtomo and Mamoru Oshii. It is worthy of note that it has not completely been one-way traffic. The Japanese animators have been influenced by American culture (Disney, comic books, Cyberpunk, etc.) but in turn the Americans, and the West, have imported attributes specifically found in Manga and anime. The creative team behind The Matrix trilogy, Andy and Larry Wachowski, are Japanese anime fans and were the driving force behind the 2003 animated film The Animatrix. Advertising agencies in the United States have also picked up on the popularity of anime with the Coca Cola group producing the Obey Your Thirst Voltron campaign, combining anime and hip-hop to sell Sprite.Sales of Manga comics and picture novels in North America grew over 40 per cent to $140 million in 2004. This trend was also boosted when director Hayao Miyazaki won the Oscar for Best A